Baker Park Engagement Session
Back in the summer, I spent a great afternoon with Matt & Allison at Baker Park in Frederick, MD capturing their engagement session. We walked around the lake, chatted about wedding plans, visited the spot where they were engaged, and even ran into some people Matt knew! It was a fun time!
Our mutual friend, Shane from Cork & Banner Films, connected Matt, Allison and myself! He and Matt worked together doing some real estate things for Matt’s business (he’s a realtor in Frederick!) and Shane and I worked together doing wedding things! Shane even captured a really sweet video of Matt proposing to Allison in the frigid cold!
Allison told me that they were walking around and she noticed a dude creeping in the bushes and she was slightly irked out. After Matt proposed, she realized he waaasss creeping in the bushes but not for actual creepy reasons – just to capture the proposal!
They told me a little bit about how they met – at maid of honor Liddy (who omg the entire wedding I called Libby because I’m the worst) and groomsman Freddie’s son’s birthday party! The rest, as they say, is history!
This cute couple spends their time making/drinking wine, cooking, and trying new restaurants (food people… my favorite kind of people) 🙂
Enjoy this peek at their Frederick engagement session!

As ya’ll can tell, I’m still working my way through sessions and weddings from Summer 2019! I’m trying to be better at blogging all my photography sessions so thanks for sticking with me! I have a few fun things coming up blogging-wise, too!