Welcome to the most coven-inspired portrait session I’ve ever done!
Dressed in all black and looking fly as can be, I met up with these four beautiful cousins in Rockville, MD to snap a fun family portrait session. There are so many things that come to mind when looking at these photos, and most of them have to do with witches, pretty little liars, and BAMF rockstars. There were a few people walking around who lingered a bit too long and I’m hoping we convinced the strangers that they were going to get hexed.
The answer to that is hella good. It’s always fun to do a portrait session where everyone is flawless looking. I hope they love these photos! I love them! They’re so cute it makes me miss my cousins who are spread out all over the country (California, Illinois, North Carolina, Alabama, Maryland and Virginia)!
I think this is one of my favorite portrait sessions to date; the ladies look amazing, the light was really beautiful, the editing was easy as can be, and I just enjoyed it a lot! Also, it was an extremely nice day out – makes me look forward to Spring photoshoots, a lot!
Also! Woohoo, something I’d like to discuss. My senior spokesmodel application has closed. I’m working on emailing the parents of the girls I’m hoping will be my representatives for the Class of 2017! I can’t wait for the senior spokesmodel portrait sessions and styled shoots – lots of planning going on for that, so stay tuned all you who applied.
Second thing I’d like to discuss, also in regards to senior sessions, I *think* I’m going to offer best friend portrait sessions. My classic senior session is $350 (1.5 hours, 60-70 digital files), and I’m thinking of offering BFF sessions for $550 (2 hours, so 1 hour per girl, 50 images PLUS some BFF photos). I’d love to hear your thoughts on that! Please, please let me know! I think it’d make the seniors more comfortable during their portrait session, and it’d be a fun bonding experience for them!

See more photos of Caroline here!