My best friend moved to Nashville in June 2015 and I had been dying to visit her. Time was a big issue, as you might know, I’m a busy lady, but I needed to make some time to visit my BFF of ever.
For Christmas, I sent her a Kate Spade planner with a little note on it saying to pick a weekend and I’d come hang in Nashville. Finally, this winter I booked a flight and impatiently waited to go see her!
It came time for me to go visit and I was insanely sick. I went to the doctors twice with no help from them, it was so bad. I was incredibly ill, no voice, coughing ALL THE TIME and soooo upset because I wanted to see my homegirl. It was awful. But there was no way I was missing my weekend with my best friend, so I boarded that flight that Friday night and took lots of cold medicine with me!
I hadn’t seen her in over a year! It was so awesome to finally be able to hang! So that’s exactly what we did that Friday night. We hung out, chatted about life, I gave her an early birthday present, we did Korean face masks… girls night in at it’s finest.
The next day, we scooped up a friend of hers and went to this amazing sandwich place called Mitchell Deli – I got a DELICIOUS turkey apple brie and avocado sandwich there… seriously salivating while writing about it. It was in a particularly hipster part of Nashville. Nashville hipster are different than any other hipsters I’ve experienced – they dressed kinda vintage Western-ish. It was interesting.
Anyways, after Mitchell Deli, we went to the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge to walk across the Cumberland River. This bridge had amazing views and we started at the end close to the Tennessee Titans’ stadium and headed toward the downtown Broadway area. After making it across the bridge, we walked towards Acme, and on the way there saw about 15 bachelorette parties. ~Nashlorettes~ were EVERYWHERE. We walked around Acme, which was a really cool bar with a bunch of different levels, and had a drink and relaxed. It was good to just hang with my bae.
We then went to this neighborhood called Hillsboro Village where we stopped to get Jeni’s Ice Cream and omg was it worth it. The entire week before (due to being sick and really wanting something cool on my throat) I’d been craving ice cream and had told Meagan about it.
Then we went back to Meagan’s apartment and relaxed/prepped for a little photoshoot! Due to the fact that my bff is insanely beautiful and fashionable, I wanted to snap some photos of her since, ya know, that’s what I do. So we went to this park that has the Nashville Parthenon in it as well as amazing trees and some killer light! We walked around and I snapped these photos of her looking perf as usual.
We then went to dinner at Saint Anejo, which was pure entertainment as her friends joined us, and it was delicious. I was then taken on a tour of Nashville bars. The first stop was Broadway Brewhouse where I was given a bushwacker. Bushwacker’s remind me of my mother because she really likes them. Dude, these were FILLING. It was tough getting more than half of it down… sooooo I didn’t. I was extremely full. Then we went to the actual downtown area on Broadway where we hung out at Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge – there were two live bands on different floors of this bar; live music is always a good thing. We walked in a back way that one of Meagan’s Nashville friends knew, which made the experience so much easier. I was still so insanely full so I could hardly drink… I attempted to sip on a rum & coke, but ugh my stomach was full. After Tootsies, we went to this trailer park themed bar called Paradise Park. It was great people watching… but about 10 minutes into being there, my voice was totally gone (thanks to being sick and attempting to talk over live music at Tootsies). I could not talk to people when they tried talking to me. It was pretty awkward. Since I was struggling, we headed back to Meagan’s place to go to sleep.
The next day we woke up and went to brunch at this really cool spot – I think it was called Tavern, but I could easily be wrong. Regardless, this was amazing brunch – they had really good mimosas, too. For my last few hours in Nashville, we hung out in a place called 12 South. There were really neat stores and shops that we walked through, some beautiful flowers, and a neat old truck along the way. Also, this area is where Draper James is, which is run by none other than Reese Witherspoon. The place was ADORABLE. I couldn’t afford the stuff (help me, I’m poor), but the store was decorated so perfectly. Outside of Draper James was the “I Believe in Nashville” sign and the “Pretty as a Picture” hand lettering!
Nashville was so awesome – I’ll go back in a heartbeat! Love my bff of ever!