Colorful Georgetown Engagement Session | Mike & Erin

July 26, 2017

Way back in 1991, I was born, and sometime shortly after that I met Mike.

His parents are close friends of my parents, so much so that his father was in my parents wedding! Then about two years ago at a Washington Caps game, I met Erin. And now, we’re almost a month away from their wedding.

Erin went to school in Hawaii and Mike loves to surf, so they planned a trip to Hawaii last winter for the two of them. Somehow, through the grapevine – from my brother or my mother or my father or Mike’s father or someeeeone… I learned that there was a ring on the trip! While they were away, I was anxiously awaiting confirmation that Mike had finally asked Erin to marry him! It took a few days, which is crazy to me because I’m horrible at surprises and if I were going to propose to someone I’d have to do it as soon as I had the ring in my hand (like I really have a hard time not telling people what I got them for Christmas or their birthday). After Erin finally posted a photo, I was like PHEW! Then the next time I saw Mike once they were back, he simply said he proposed on a secluded beach in Kauai.

Anyways, a few days later Mike and I were talking about me photographing their wedding, which I’m so excited about! But first, comes their engagement session! We met up in Georgetown and roamed around on a beautiful (but hot, because it’s DC) night. The street with the colorful houses might be my new favorite spot! After the session, we went and got pizza and champagne at Il Canale, which I now highly recommend.

Enjoy this peek at their engagement session!


[…] At the beginning of September, I was lucky enough to photograph an amazing couple up in Rhode Island at Belle Mer Island House. I told you a little about their backstory and my relationship with them when I posted about their engagement session! […]